Vehicle maintenance and vehicle repair are carefully related. Within the vehicle maintenance process could find part is a precursor to failure or damage happens, which could make use of the chance repair and maintenance. Within the repair process, a few of the undamaged parts should repair this can be a very natural factor.
Therefore, the connection between vehicle maintenance and vehicle repair is dialectical crp229. In day to day activities, we have to correctly handle the connection backward and forward, stick to maintenance negative habits, change concentrate on repairs but insufficient maintenance. "30 % repair, 70 percent maintenance" that's the reality.
For vehicle care industry in the present situation autel mx-sensor 433MHz, scientific vehicle maintenance product is dividing into six parts, but for the following six systems for special conservation.
First, the deepening from the lube system maintenance
The primary role of every person in the lubricating product is effective automobile engine lube to avoid excessive put on. Under normal conditions, every vehicle driving 5000 km to10000 km would want maintenance and cleaning time, within the situation of excessive engine noise, weak acceleration, once the temperature of water is simply too high likewise need maintenance and cleaning time. Cleaning within the engine along with other sediment sludge to prevent oxidation at hot temperature oil thickening, reducing put on engine parts, longer engine existence, elevated engine energy.
Second, fuel system maintenance and cleaning (i.e., cleaning mister nozzles, valves coke)
Under normal conditions, every vehicle traveling 10000 km to15000 km need maintenance and cleaning, or maintenance and cleaning once whenever you discover the vehicle trembling, hysteresis and poor acceleration, black smoke, weakness, price of oil. Remove carbon deposits system, prevent dangerous corrosion, prevent and prevent seeping closes, completely switch the old coolant.
Third, maintenance and cleaning, air conditioning
Under normal conditions, the vehicle during the cold months the constant maintenance time is common driving every 6 several weeks to eight several weeks maintenance and cleaning, or maintenance and cleaning once the vehicle appear high temperature of water, leakage, boil . Obvious traces result in engine getting too hot to avoid dangerous corrosion, prevent and prevent seeping closes, completely switch the old coolant.
4th, the maintenance and cleaning from the gearbox (automatic transmission gearbox)
Under normal conditions, the vehicle maintenance time is each driving 20000km-25000km , or maintenance and cleaning the vehicle once the vehicle appear transmission sliding, hot temperature, slow change, when the product is seeping. Remove dangerous sludge and varnish deposits, to ensure that vehicle transmission change easily, enhancing energy output; completely switch the old automatic transmission fluid.
Fifth, the energy steering system maintenance and cleaning
After driving the vehicle every 40000km-45000km needed maintenance and cleaning, or difficulties experienced steering system, switch the energy steering parts, likewise need maintenance and cleaning once. Obvious the machine of dangerous sludge and varnish to avoid the leakage of energy steering fluid, completely switch the old brake steering fluid.
Sixth, the maintenance and cleaning from the stopping system
Vehicle maintenance and cleaning once every 50000 km traveling, or maintenance and cleaning the vehicle just in case of premature reaction ABS, or ABS reaction not fast enough. Removal dangerous sludge system fresh paint, remove harmful ultra high or ultra low temps failure to effectively prevent degeneration expired brake fluid.
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