Pros & Cons of Changing the Driving Age to 18 For a number of years,
lawmakers in America have debated whether the driving age should be raised to
18. From 2006 to 2008, states such as Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois and
Massachusetts attempted to change the driving age to 18, but continually failed.
Driving remains a privilege and no matter what age people drive, they must take
responsibility and understand the dangers and learn to avoid them.
Responsibility Many 16-year-olds have enough responsibility to show they can
treat driving by following laws and respecting other drivers on the road. Also,
if a 16-year-old driver shows responsibility in a vehicle, then his parents
understand his capabilities of other responsibilities. Parents do not have to
get off work and pick up their son from school or take him to football practice.
On the other hand, statistically, young drivers have more accidents and deaths
on the road than older ones. According to , there were 30,000 deaths involving
15- to 17-year-old drivers from 1995 to 2004. These statistics decreased in
later years as many states adopted something called graduated driver licensing,
which give more restrictions to drivers under 18. Statistically, young drivers
have more accidents and deaths on the road than older ones. Statistically, young
drivers have more accidents and deaths on the road than older ones. (monkey,
bus, inessimages/iStock/Getty Images) Obesity According to , obesity begins in
childhood. Driving at 16 can create an argument for obesity. However, in
countries such as the Ukraine, the driving age has always been 18, and people
usually walk or take a bus. Given this, Ukrainians stay slimmer than Americans.
Waiting a few more years will keep Americans walking or riding bikes helping
their health and fitness. Many teen drivers eat while driving, especially
ordering fast food, which does not combat obesity. Waiting a few more years will
keep Americans walking or riding bikes helping their health and fitness. Waiting
a few more years will keep Americans walking or riding bikes helping their
health and fitness. (Image Source/Digital Vision/Getty Images) Finance and the
Economy Although a 16-year-old gets to her destination more efficiently and
timely launch
x431 pro plus, raising the driving age to 18 would decrease the amount of
vehicles on the road potentially having less oxidants in the air, which destroy
the environment. Also, many 16-year-old drivers do not work putting the
financial burden on their parents. With the increase on gas prices and rising
insurance costs for younger drivers, especially males, parents do not want to
fill this burden. Most 16-year-old drivers do not work putting the financial
burden of the vehicle cost on their parents. Most 16-year-old drivers do not
work putting the financial burden of the vehicle cost on their parents Auto Code Scanner.
(Jupiterimages/Stockbyte/Getty Images) Rural Transportation and Dangers Although
other countries have an impressive transportation system as do many major
metropolitan . cities, much of the United States spreads out into rural areas.
These areas have less or no bus transportation and waiting until 18 may cause
hardships getting to school or work, especially when parents need to be at work
at the same time. However, oftentimes, these rural areas consist of many
accidents because of less safety officers, which creates thrill-seeking
challenges and dangers like drag racing, playing chicken and driving carelessly
in mud. Rural areas tend to have little to no public transportation and waiting
until 18 may cause hardships getting to school. Rural areas tend to have little
to no public transportation and waiting until 18 may cause hardships getting to
school. (starekase/iStock/Getty Images)
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